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Changing Our Attitude Toward Change

Embrace change to make the best out of it.

Key points

  • You cannot progress without resistance, challenge, or struggle.
  • Embrace mistakes as it fosters growth and innovation and is mentally healthy.
  • A mindset of growth, curiosity, and calculated risk-taking can help overcome the resistance to change.
Source: gustavofrazao / iStock
Source: gustavofrazao / iStock

You say that things could be better. You want more. You want to be fulfilled. Discontent is the driving force of change. Progress is born of agitation. It is agitation or stagnation that leads to growth.

Your desire for change is what puts you on the path to moving forward. The seed of progress is the need for change.

Mindful progress requires proactivity and taking steps toward the desired change. Each step forward is accompanied by new challenges and added responsibilities. And it is in solving these new challenges further progress is made. In other words, you cannot make progress without resistance, a challenge, or a struggle.

Our attitude is made up of how we think, how we feel, and how we act. Our attitude toward change creates our lives, which also means that if we want to change our lives, we must first change our attitude toward change.

If we react to life mindlessly, we are simply controlled by life situations that promote a reactive past reality. If we want a different and better life, we must be mindful and purposeful and act proactively according to the change we desire.

OK. You agree that change is unavoidable and even desirable. You want to improve your situation, be in a better position, and grow to become your best self. You ask yourself, "How do I begin?" Well, you can start by changing your attitude and perspective about change.

The starting point in viewing change is questioning our attitude toward it.

  • Is it coming from a place of fear, or is it coming from a place of love?
  • Is it about protection, or is it about enhancement?

Once answered, we must mindfully choose an attitude and make choices that are aligned with our authentic self, which is blissful, confident, caring, and loving. We aspire to continually purify our attitude, moving from fear to love and embracing change as a positive force in our lives.

We need to deliberately and consistently make choices of thoughts and actions that are consistent with the changes we are committed to creating. The old way of thinking and behaving only promotes rigidity and reinforces old habits. The new way of thinking and acting allows our brain to be elastic and for us to make changes more frequently and with less resistance.

It also cultivates a creative mindset that encourages thinking outside the box. Even more importantly, it pushes us to face fear and uncertainty toward growth and love. The new choices bring new behaviors and experiences that ultimately change our emotions and quality of life.

Here are practical ideas to cultivate when adopting a positive attitude toward change:

Accept responsibility. When you accept responsibility for your situations and change, you are empowered to acknowledge your own needs, desires, expectations, and values, as well as your limitations and humanity. Ask yourself,

  • "What can I learn from this change?
  • What opportunities do I see now as a result of what happened?
  • What can I do to change the situation?"

Change what is possible. While you may not be able to change your situation as a whole, you can always implement small changes in your life that help improve things. When you are mindful, you become the director of your life. It is within your power to change what is within your control and, at the same time, to let go of what is beyond your control.

Challenge the status quo. It's important to realize the status quo is our preferred state. Most of us don't like change, and we resist in the face of change. We can't grow without resistance. Action is where the relief is, not avoidance. Understand that the way things are done does not restrict you. Rather, cultivate an open-mindedness to new ideas and encourage experimentation with new ways of acting.

Embrace risks. Don't be afraid of taking risks. Taking calculated risks is a great way to build mental strength and resiliency. Doing things that you fear helps you learn to tolerate uncertainty and stress. Cultivating confidence and courage to move forward despite the difficulty of change is the key mindset toward change.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are a natural part of being human. Mistakes are part of making progress. Learn to bounce back and prepare for a comeback. Setbacks are opportunities to improve. So, embracing your mistakes as it fosters growth and innovation and is mentally healthy.

Be positive. Adapt the phrase "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." No matter how difficult change feels, there's something to be said for making the most out of the moment. No need to regret the past. No need to worry about the future. Simply embrace what is in front of you in the present moment with trust and positivity.

Adapt the magic word "Yet." Don't say, "I can't do it." Instead, say, "I can't do it yet." This powerful word has the power to impact your unconscious and change negativity into possibility. It allows you to meet yourself where you are and, at the same time, patiently wait until the right time you are ready to make the change.

Look at the big picture. When you see the big picture and are focused on long-term vision, you are not distracted by smaller issues and struggles. Figuring out your goals and pursuing them will allow you to embrace change with greater ease.

Do your best. Do your best in everything you do—at work, in your relationships, in your family, etc. Every choice is an opportunity to make your best effort to become your best self. At any moment, you can ask yourself,

  • "What does the best version of myself look like?
  • How do I want my best self to show up in the world?"

Expand yourself. Change allows you to leave the same familiar, predictable self and connect with the new self. With change, you enter into a deeper, unfamiliar self and explore new territory within the self. You then expand the self to create a larger, more authentic self.

Separate yourself from the change. The change does not define you. You are a whole person with vast and diverse experiences. Yes, life changes can impact you greatly, and you get to decide what each transition will mean for you. If it feels supportive, give yourself a gentle mental reminder of your wholeness. For instance, I use the phrase, "I am not this change."

Be grateful for the opportunity. See change as an opportunity to grow and be receptive to new ways to deal with life challenges. Gratitude and appreciation are powerful mindsets to deal with change. Developing habits of gratitude and appreciation requires intention, effort, and gentleness.

Acknowledge your accomplishments. Whether you are successful in making the change or not, acknowledge your effort and past accomplishments. Remind yourself of the times you pulled through a tough situation; remember the things you've accomplished, no matter the odds.

Change inherently feels uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean it is bad. Remember that change is inevitable, normal, and even crucial. While there is a part of you that may resist change, you must realize that change is necessary to create a better life. As such, you better embrace a positive attitude toward change.

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